Denon DN-HC4500 - DJ Mixer USB Controller Manuale Utente

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PCDJ Reflex LE Manual
For use with the Denon DN-HC4500
Third Edition
Digital 1 Audio™, INC.
1176 NE Cleveland.
Clearwater, FL 33755
Copyright Copyright © 2006-2007 Digital 1 Audio INC. All
Rights Reserved.
Trademark The PCDJ and Reflex Logos are trademarks and
or service marks of Digital 1 Audio INC, and are being
used herein with its permission. Reproduction of this
manual is not permitted without express written
permission from Digital 1 Audio, INC. Copyright
License The software may be used on a single computer.
The software, interface and any related materials may
not be copied in any way whatsoever. You may not de-
compile, reverse engineer, disassemble or reduce the
software, nor are you allowed to modify, adapt,
translate, rent, sublicense, assign, lease, loan, resell for
profit, distribute or network the software, disk, related
materials or create derivative works based upon the
software or any part thereof.
By: David J. Mercado, Silvio Zeppieri (Denon DJ)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 32 33


Pagina 1 - PCDJ Reflex LE Manual

1 PCDJ Reflex LE Manual For use with the Denon DN-HC4500 Third Edition Digital 1 Audio™, INC. 1176 NE Cleveland. Clearwater, FL 33755 www.pcdj

Pagina 2 - System Requirements:

10 Chapter II Updating and Configuring Opening Reflex LE Now that you have successfully installed Reflex LE, let’s open Reflex LE and make sure y

Pagina 3 - IMPORTANT

11 Install Reflex LE Updates You must close Reflex LE before Installing update! Click Mac or Windows Update link depending on which OS you are o

Pagina 4 - Introduction

12 FIG.1 Windows Users: Are only required to have installed the Denon DJ Asio Drivers, from the Denon CD before continuing. Reflex LE Prefere

Pagina 6 - Chapter I Installation

14 Audio Tab Windows Users: Assuming you have followed Denon instructions and installed the Denon DJ Asio Driver supplied on the Denon CD. Clic

Pagina 7 - Chapter I Installation

15 MAC Users: Click the Audio Tab, and select DN-HC4500 from the “Driver” drop down menu. *see FIG.4 FIG.4

Pagina 8 - Continued

16 Outputs Tab Windows and MAC Users: Denon’s internal multi-channel soundcard was designed to be used with an external multi-channel mixer. With

Pagina 9

17 FIG.6 (PC) NOTE Monitor, Headpones, AUX and Case Player are disabled in Reflex LE version. Outputs Tab Continued…. To configure Outputs

Pagina 10 - Check for Reflex LE Updates

18 MIDI TAB Windows Users: To select the DN-HC4500 as the control surface for PCDJ Reflex LE. Click the MIDI tab, click “New” and select (0-9) U

Pagina 11 - Audio MIDI Setup

19 MAC Users: To select the DN-HC4500 as the control surface click “NEW” and select DN-HC4500 from the “Midi Port” drop down menu. NOTE DO NOT

Pagina 12

2 System Requirements: • CPU (Processor) Minimum Requirements: Any Intel®, AMD®, Pentium II 800 MHZ, or Mac PowerMac G4, G5, and above. • R

Pagina 13 - FIG.2 (MAC)

20 FYI: Reflex LE Preferences setting when changed occur in real time, meaning once an option is checked or selected, it will be effective immedia

Pagina 14

21 Select Add folder if you would like to add an entire folder of music to library. Note: Only music in the folder selected will be imported, not

Pagina 15

22 Deleting Reflex_Library.gll Windows Users: Find and Delete the database located in MyDocuments\ MyMusic\ called Reflex_Library.gll. Next time

Pagina 16

23 LOADING a TRACK INTO Player C: To Load a track into player C you must first hold down the Flip button and press the PLAY LIST button on either

Pagina 17

24 PITCH KEY button, the pitch LED will change to orange color. While player is stopped you can enable this feature by just pressing PITCH KEY but

Pagina 18

25 Wave form is located below the progress bar. It is a magnified scrolling view of the Progress Bar. The vertical Teal Line is a visual indicator

Pagina 19

26 use them like a sampler or drum machine. NOTE You can not permanently save CUE points, or HOT CUE’s in the Demo version of Reflex LE. SCRATC

Pagina 20

27 turning the Parameters knob. It’s kind of tricky you might need a friend! To adjust the Drag speed, which controls how fast the track starts ba

Pagina 21

28 the frequency modulation/gain/width depending on the Filter selected. Plug-ins Module: Supports up to two VST plug-ins. You must have purchase

Pagina 22

29 NOTE The Crossfade will automatically default back to center when switching from A,B, or C. Reflex LE and Denon DN-X500 or DN-X900 Mixers R

Pagina 23

3 IMPORTANT NOTE: Please check for the current manual online at as software and documentation are update

Pagina 24

30 Reflex LE Master Function List

Pagina 25

31 Feature/FunctionDeck 1/2 OperationDN-HC4500Button OperationButton Reference Note / ConditionDisplay Frames / Seconds [Flip] + [Time] 9/8"

Pagina 26

32 Feature/FunctionDeck 1/2 OperationDN-HC4500Button OperationButton Reference Note / Condition[Flip] 9 - - - - not used - - - -4-Bar Auto Loopin

Pagina 27

33 Feature/FunctionDeck 1/2 OperationDN-HC4500Button OperationButton Reference Note / ConditionJog Modes [Jog Mode] 19selects: Scratch/Bend mod

Pagina 28

4 Introduction Congratulations on your NEW Denon DN-HC4500 Controller! This Professional DJ Controller is bundled with a 30 Day Demo

Pagina 29

5 Before You Start: PCDJ Reflex LE and The Denon DN-HC4500 Some things you should know about “PCDJ Reflex LE” before starting: The PCDJ Reflex

Pagina 30

6 Chapter I Installation Make Sure Your Computer is Up-To-Date: Page 7 Preparing Your Computer for PCDJ Reflex LE: Page 7 Installing PCDJ Ref

Pagina 31 - Feature/Function

7 Chapter I Installation Make Sure Your Computer is Up-To-Date: In order to avoid any problems running Reflex LE, you should update your OS (ope

Pagina 32

8 Preparing Your Computer for PCDJ Reflex LE Continued.. MAC Users: Disabling Screen Saver & Adjusting Energy Management: Click Apple Icon o

Pagina 33

9 Installing PCDJ Reflex LE Software WINDOWS INSTALLATION: 1) Place the Reflex LE installation CD into your CD-ROM. 2) Reflex LE disc will aut

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